Edit Your User Name and Photo

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Although you can’t change the username that you use to log in to the website, you can change how your name is displayed (e.g. replace your first name with Mr/Miss/Mrs) on Posts that you write.

Changing your Displayed Name

From the Dashboard click on ‘Profile’ in the left hand menu, or hover over your username (top left of the screen), then click ‘Edit my profile’.

On the profile page, scroll down to ‘Nickname (required)‘ and type the name that you would like to have displayed on the posts that you write.

Then in the box ‘Display name publicly as‘ select the name that you would like displayed.

Scroll to the bottom and click ‘Update Profile’

Changing your Profile Picture

From the Dashboard click on ‘Profile’ in the left hand menu, or hover over your username (top left of the screen), then click ‘Edit my profile’.

On the profile page, scroll down to Avatar
Click on ‘Choose File
Browse to select a photo from your device, click ‘Update Profile’

Changing Another User’s Displayed Name or Profile Picture

This can only be done by users with the role Admin/SLT. The proceedure is exactly the same as above, only you access the user’s profile page from the Users > All Users menu on the left hand menu.

Once you see the list of users, hover on the name of the user that you want to amend and click the ‘Edit‘ link that shows.


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