Setting up for a Parents’ Evening

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The appointment system needs to be set up & checked before appearing live on your site for Parents to book appointments.

At least a week before the appointments begin,  email the details of the appointments to Kiskadoo and we’ll do the administration.

For a standard set-up, you need to supply the following:

  • The set duration of each appointment
  • Buffer time between each appointment
  • The Dates that Appointments take place
  • First appointment time and last appointment time for each date
  • The names of those providing the appointment (teachers) and the class they are associated with*
    *All teachers who want to take bookings must have user accounts for the website
  • The date you want the booking system to be live on your website

So an example set-up, you might supply the following:

Appointment Duration: 10mins
Buffer time: 5mins
Dates: Monday 5th Oct – Wed 7th Oct
Monday  First Appt 4pm – Last Appt 6.45pm
Tuesday First Appt 4pm – Last Appt 5.45pm
Wednesday First Appt 3.30pm – Last Appt 5.15pm
Teachers & Classes:
Class 1 – Miss HIll
Class 2 – Mr Jones
Class 3 – Mrs Weston
Live on Website: September 20th

If you have a more complicated range of availabity with no consistenty across your teachers, you can supply the same details on a per-teacher basis, however set up time will take longer and costs may be slightly higher.

First-time Set Ups

The first time the system is used, you will also be able to have your input into editing messages contained on the booking screen and confirmation emails that the system sends you.

Repeated Set-Ups

After the first time you use the system, all of your settings and messages are saved. So in subsequent school terms, if you use the same time slots, classes and teachers each time, there are only the dates to change.

Everything is Checked and Double-Checked

After the system is set up to meet your requirements, it is checked here by us and then you are given access to it to double-check and make test bookings.

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